Starcraft/Broodwar No-CD Loader + Window Mode

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by PΛRΛĐIĞM, Jan 10, 2010.


    PΛRΛĐIĞM Member

    Dec 1, 2008
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    This is a very handy Tool for Starcraft/Broodwar that i have used for several years without any trouble, It will enable you to play Starcraft without any CD in drive.

    Below is a guide on how to use, The files you will need can be Downloaded Here -----> LINK <------
    No-CD Loader

    To use this NoCD Loader Simply put scloader2b.exe In your Starcraft Folder, And run scloader2b.exe instead of your normal Starcraft.exe, The game should immediately load without any need for CD.

    No-CD Loader + Window Mode

    To Enable Window Mode You must put wmode.ini and wmode.xmod In your Starcraft Folder, Then Create a shortcut from scloader2b.exe To Desktop(Right Click and Send To Desktop > Create Shortcut) Is the easiest way.

    Now Right click the shortcut and Click Properties, Navigate to Shortcut Tab and there should be an area labled Target.
    Highlighted in above picture.

    In Target area you will see something like this
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Starcraft\scloader2b.exe"

    There Add this line -xmod wmode.xmod
    Should Look like this.
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Starcraft\scloader2b.exe" -xmod wmode.xmod
    Screenshot to be sure ^^

    After this is done, Click the shortcut and it should be windowed like This.

    If you followed my guide there should be no issues with the program, It has some additional features as well as a readme included.

    Download File Here -----> LINK <------
    ArrowStorm, L4Dy and Gix like this.
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